The BusinessConnect interior server fails to connect to trading partners via HTTPS when sending an outbound transaction.

The BusinessConnect interior server fails to connect to trading partners via HTTPS when sending an outbound transaction.


Article ID: KB0094077


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessConnect EDI Protocol Powered by Instream -
Not Applicable -



When sending an outbound message to a trading partner via HTTPS, the BusinessConnect interior server fails to connect to a trading partner and returns the following error:

"Failed to send notification to trading partner. via https://<ip address>/AS2Receive/BTSHttpReceive.dll. StatusCode from Transport is: 699. StatusMsg from Transport is: Error connecting to host <ip address> at port 443. Broken pipe."

To resolve this issue, make sure that all certificates sent by a trading partner are added/uploaded under the trading partner's "Credential" tab. For that, go to Admin GUI > BusinessConnect > Participants > select Participant > go to the "Credential" tab and check that all certificates sent by the trading partner are present under this tab.


The BusinessConnect interior server fails to connect to trading partners via HTTPS when sending an outbound transaction.

Additional Information

BusinessConnect Trading Partner Administration Guide