When launching the gsengine from a Unix command line, logging off or exiting the shell causes the gsengine to shut down. How to prevent this from occurring?

When launching the gsengine from a Unix command line, logging off or exiting the shell causes the gsengine to shut down. How to prevent this from occurring?


Article ID: KB0094020


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TIBCO BusinessConnect -
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Wen starting the BC GS engine using the following command,

./gsengine &

the GS engine is starting successfully yet exiting the shell shuts down the gsengine.


When launching the gsengine from a Unix command line, logging off or exiting the shell causes the gsengine to shut down. How to prevent this from occurring?


Starting the GS engine as,

nohup ./gsengine > /dev/null 2>&1 &

will detach the gsengine from the Unix session and directs standard output and standard error logging to a null file.

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