How to substitute or alter JRE 1.7/1.8 or higher bundled with TIBCO Runtime Agent ?

How to substitute or alter JRE 1.7/1.8 or higher bundled with TIBCO Runtime Agent ?


Article ID: KB0075558


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Runtime Agent (TRA) -
Not Applicable -


This Solution will help address following questions:

How to substitute or alter JRE 1.7 or higher bundled with TIBCO Runtime Agent 5.8.0,5.9.x?

How to substitute or alter JRE 1.8 or higher bundled with TIBCO Runtime Agent 5.10.0,5.11.0?
NOTE: This guidance is intended ONLY for customers with an appropriate license from Oracle to download and use the latest patch from Oracle. It is your responsibility to ensure your compliance with any licenses that apply to software sourced from third parties, including Java updates from Oracle. TIBCO makes no representations as to the licenses rights applicable to, and disclaims all warranties as to, any software sourced from third parties.


How to substitute or alter JRE 1.7/1.8 or higher bundled with TIBCO Runtime Agent ?


First, ensure that the JRE substitution or alteration will not lead you to a non-supported configuration. See LBN :000011995 (Legacy_Id: 27764)  provides TIBCO's stand in this respect. 
The attached document (Filename: TIBCO_Runtime_Agent_Replacing_JRE_Steps.pdf) will provide the detailed steps needed to perform this operation. Review "TIBCO Runtime Agent Replacing JRE Steps.pdf" attached to this solution.
NOTE: This solution only supports substituting JRE A.B.[C] to JRE A.B.[D]. If TRA 5.8.0 is bundled with JRE 1.7.0.u09 you can upgrade to JRE 1.7.0.u101 or the latest patch available. We do not support major platform version upgrades from JRE A.B.[xx] to JRE A.C.[xx] JRE 1.7.0 to JRE 1.8.0. Refer to the FAQ section in the pdf file.
NOTE: For TRA 5.7.x or lower versions which bundles JRE 1.6. or lower, refer to KB article 000012050    (Legacy_Id: 27868). 



How to substitute or alter JRE 1.7/1.8 or higher bundled with TIBCO Runtime Agent ? get_app