How to properly uninstall Policy Directory from TIBCO Administrator?
Article ID: KB0078924
Updated On:
TIBCO ActiveMatrix Policy Director
Not Applicable
Description: Deployment of BW applications fails after Policy Director is uninstalled from a TIBCO_HOME with TIBCO Administrator on which Policy Director plugin for TIBCO Adminstrator is configured.
Symptoms: The below error is seen in Administrator.log when deploying a BW application: -------------------------------------- 2016 Jun 28 09:09:03:686 GMT -0500 Error [ApplicationConfiguration] AESDKJ-0000 [http-bio-8080-exec-46] java.lang.Exception: The Governance Agent cannot find a required properties file: <TIBCO_HOME>\tra\5.x\bin\ at com.tibco.governance.pd.bwplugin.BWPluginEnvironment.loadPropertiesFile( --------------------------------------
Cause: The Policy Director Administrator plugin is not completely removed when Policy Director is uninstalled from a TIBCO_HOME where TIBCO Administrator is installed.
How to properly uninstall Policy Directory from TIBCO Administrator?
Product: TIBCO ActiveMatrix Policy Director
Version: ALL
OS: All Supported Operating Systems
1. Run the cleanup wrap command before uninstalling PD: wrap --propFile PDBWPlugin.tra -domain <domain_name> -cleanup
2. If PD has already been uninstalled, then follow these steps instead: - copy bwplugin.jar from a machine where PD Administrator plugin is installed to the above machine to: <TIBCO_HOME>/tra/5.x/lib - copy the PDBWPlugin.tra to: <TIBCO_HOME>/tra/5.x/bin - correct the paths in PDBWPlugin.tra - run the following command: wrap --propFile PDBWPlugin.tra -domain <domain_name> -cleanup - the following output should be seen: Removed BWServerDeploymentPlugIn