Does BW6.3.2 support "Partial Response in REST" ? If so, how to use it?

Does BW6.3.2 support "Partial Response in REST" ? If so, how to use it?


Article ID: KB0093889


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TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks -
Not Applicable -


BW supports "Partial Response in REST". Using the Partial Response feature in REST, you can retrieve only the data you need instead of bulk data as a response.


Does BW6.3.2 support "Partial Response in REST" ? If so, how to use it?


To enable REST Service for Partial/Custom response, REST service need to be enabled for the same upfront as a prerequisite. At run-time, the client can not just customize request the URL as mentioned to get the customized response.

1). Resource Service Path has to be set as "/books?" {fields}

as a part of REST service development as a prerequisite for an enablement,


2). Rest client has to populate his request URL as http://<host name>:<port number>/books?fields=isbn,name,price

which will give the following response.

< tns1:Books>
<tns1:name>Steve Jobs</tns1:name>
< /tns1:Books>

Whereas URL, http://<host name>:<port number>/books will still be available to give us an entire response.

< tns1:Books>
<tns1:name>Steve Jobs</tns1:name>
<tns1:description>Biography of Apple Co-Founder Steve Jobs</tns1:description>
<tns1:authorName>Walter Isaacson</tns1:authorName>
< /tns1:Books>

Additional Information

Refer to the screenshots attached (Filename: image_(2).png and image_(3).png). Sample project on rest binding from samples used here.


Does BW6.3.2 support "Partial Response in REST" ? If so, how to use it? get_app
Does BW6.3.2 support "Partial Response in REST" ? If so, how to use it? get_app