The bars in a Bar Chart visualization in TIBCO Spotfire client are only skinny lines, and the width cannot be adjusted.

The bars in a Bar Chart visualization in TIBCO Spotfire client are only skinny lines, and the width cannot be adjusted.


Article ID: KB0073030


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Products Versions
Spotfire Analyst All Versions


When configuring a Bar Chart, the width of the bars may only be skinny lines with minimal thickness. On the "Bar Chart Properties" dialog's "Appearance" page, the 'Bar width' slider is greyed out. 


The bars in a Bar Chart visualization in TIBCO Spotfire client are only skinny lines, and the width cannot be adjusted. This happens when the category axis is set to a "Continuous" axis mode.


The bars of a Bar Chart will become skinny like this when the category axis is set to a "Continuous" axis mode. 
To get the bars to become thicker, just set the axis mode to "Categorical" here:
  •  Bar Chart Properties > Categorical Axis > Columns: Settings > Axis mode: Categorical
If you want the ability to set the width even when using a continuous axis mode, consider voting for idea ("Ability to change Bar width in Bar chart with Continuous scale") in the TIBCO Ideas Portal. 

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