Description: Additional Remedy Version Support: --------------------------------------------- This patch adds support for Remedy ARS 5.1. The Adapter built with 5.0.1 libraries has been tested against the 5.1 Version of Action Request System. The Remedy Adapter version 4.1.1 with patch 5 now works with ARS 5.1 using ARS 5.0.1 libraries.
New Platform Support: --------------------------- None
New Features/Enhancements: ----------------------------------- The following functionalities/features have been added:
Adapter does not support search for multiple records by using any Remedy Field other than Request ID. The adapter has been enhanced to support search for multiple records using multiple keywords. Please note that search by Attachment field values is not supported.
Adapter does not support use of Wild Card characters while performing query operations. The adapter has been enhanced to support search/query operations using Wild Cards.
Defects Fixed: ---------------- The following defects have been fixed in this patch release:
The adapter throws an unhandled exception and terminates if a request is executed on a non-existent entry in the database.
If the LEGACYMDFYTIMESTAMP field in the input data for subscription/Request-Reply service is null for "Update" operation on HP-UX platform, the operation is not successfully executed
Adapter throws unhandled exception when performing a QUERY (RPC) operation on Remedy Forms containing attachment fields.
A patch (Patch 5) has been provided for all these functionalities and defect fixes and is available on both Windows NT/2000 and HP-UX 11.0 platforms.
Please contact TIBCO Support to obtain the patch.
Patch 5 has been released
Product: TIBCO Adapter for Remedy
Version: 4.1.1