TIBCO Integration Manager 5.0.1 hotfix2 is now available
Article ID: KB0105741
Updated On:
TIBCO IntegrationManager
Not Applicable
Description: Following are the defect fixes in TIBCO Integration Manager 5.0.1 hotfix2 -
General Issues: * Defect Id : 1-1255GU - The imadmin command to resume a particular JC does not work if IM engine is started with all JCs inactive. This has been fixed. - The imadmin commands to suspend and resume JCs are now supported i.e. the deprecated warning will not be displayed. - Option '-timeout' has been added to imadmin tool to specify time in secs to wait for responses from all engines.
* Defect Id : 1-Z4741 Nested Unions were not working in Signal out task for AE/XML messages,- fixed.
* Defect Id : 1-VQOFG Repoconvert[from AE4 to VFile repo] was not working from IM Editor,- fixed.
* Defect Id : 1-U5TA1 When an engine that was processing a large number of jobs was shutdown, the shutdown process hung at a particular step and the engine never fully shut down. This problem is now fixed.
* Defect Id : 1-110LJP Internal enhancement for TIBCO BusinessConnect
* Defect Id : 1-13CJNM "Class not found" error is encountered on a request/reply invocation. This error occurs only when running IM in debug mode and against a remote server repository.
* Defect Id : 1-50071 The TIME channel now offsets the time settings for daylight savings correctly.
Mapper, XML Parser and Renderer Issues:
* Defect Id : 1-120A38 The XML parser takes almost a hour to parse a xml file.
* Defect Id : 1-11J0QI When the global property "Validate incoming XML against dtd/xsd" is set to false, IM throws an exception when parsing an xml file with a schema entity regardless of whether of the validation flag setting at the XML Parser task.
* Defect Id : 1-11QQG3 Enhancement request to make the schemaLocation attribute be optional for XML validation. To avoid having to insert a schemaLocation attribute in the XML instance, users need to set the property "Config.Primary.Compatibility.XML.ValidateUsingInternalSchema" to true. When this property is set to true, XML validation will use the XML schema specified within IM. This property is defaulted to false.
TIBCO Integration Manager 5.0.1 hotfix2 is now available