The Patch 9for TIBCO Adapter for SWIFT 4.2.0is available on all supported platforms.

The Patch 9for TIBCO Adapter for SWIFT 4.2.0is available on all supported platforms.


Article ID: KB0105805


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Adapter for SWIFT -
Not Applicable -


The TIBCO Adapter for SWIFT 4.2.0 Patch 9 is released for all supported platforms. To know the platforms supported by TIBCO Adapter for SWIFT 4.2.0, please see the readme file.

Closed defects in Patch9:
Defect_Id assigned: 1-2XRWZD
Defect description: Parser generates an error "Could not make SwiftField for Text block line::53D:/C" when the value for the second sub-part [/34x] is not present in 53D field of MT103.

This patch can be downloaded from the TIBCO Product Support ftp server,,  using your username and password for the TIBCO Support Web.   Once logged on, you would be able to find the hot fix under:

Please contact TIBCO Support if you have any problems finding or downloading this hotfix.


The Patch 9for TIBCO Adapter for SWIFT 4.2.0is available on all supported platforms.


Product: TIBCO Adapter for SWIFT Version: 4.2.0 OS: --------------------


The Patch 9for TIBCO Adapter for SWIFT 4.2.0is available on all supported platforms. get_app