TIBCO Adapter for R/3(SAP) 5.2.1 HotFix 2 is now available.

TIBCO Adapter for R/3(SAP) 5.2.1 HotFix 2 is now available.


Article ID: KB0105938


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for SAP Solutions -
Not Applicable -


TIBCO Adapter for R/3(SAP) 5.2.1 HotFix 2 is now available on all supported platforms.To

know the platforms supported by R/3 Adapter 5.2.1 please see the readme file.

Defect_Id assigned: 1-6F5MBI
Defect description: While migrating a 4x repository to 5x repository
using the standard steps for migration, upon changing the AE version
to 5.1/5.0, the designer was not able to recognize the adapter
instance when the project was saved and reopened. This has been fixed.
Defect_Id assigned: 1-6JK46Q
Defect description: For different adapter instances, it was not
possible to specify different design-time connection parameters.
This has been fixed.

Defect_Id assigned: 1-6ME7H0
Defect description: The inbound adapter was consuming high percentage
of CPU even during idle state, when configured for large number of
services, exceeding 100. This has been fixed.

Defect_Id assigned: 1-6MF21J
Defect description: The inbound adapter exited abnormally while
writing IDoc to file. This has been fixed.

This hot fix can be downloaded from the TIBCO Product Support ftp server,

ftp://support-ftp.tibco.com/, using your username and password for the TIBCO Support Web.  

Once logged on you can find the hotfix under:


Please contact TIBCO Support if you have any problems finding or downloading this hot fix.


TIBCO Adapter for R/3(SAP) 5.2.1 HotFix 2 is now available.


Product: TIBCO Adapter for R/3 (SAP) Version: 5.2.1 OS: --------------------


TIBCO Adapter for R/3(SAP) 5.2.1 HotFix 2 is now available. get_app