TIBCO iProcess Engine (Oracle) 10.3.0 HotFix 02 is available
Article ID: KB0105471
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TIBCO iProcess Engine (Oracle)
Not Applicable
Description: Product Name : TIBCO iProcess Engine (Oracle) Release Version : 10.3.0-HF02 Release Date : October 2005 ======================================================= Note: This hotfix applies to a TIBCO iProcess Engine (Oracle) 10.3.0 that is running on a Windows, UNIX or Linux platform and being used with an Oracle10g database. ======================================================= * Closed Issues in 10.3.0-HF02:
Defect Id: CR 17785 Corrects a problem whereby SSOLite stored procedures cannot process memo data on Oracle10g systems. For example, an attempt to start a case containing memo data fails. This problem is caused by changes in the behaviour of Oracle collections between Oracle9i and Oracle10g (tar 4804280.993).
The supplied script patches the SSOLITE_DATA package body so that it works correctly with Oracle10g collections.
Note: This change is also backwards compatible with Oracle9i and can be safely applied to Oracle9i systems.
Note: This fix is mandatory for customers who use the SSOLite stored procedures or intend to use TIBCO BusinessWorks with the TIBCO iProcess Engine.
Please also refer to LBN1-6YGPN9 for related Information.
The TIBCO iProcess Engine (Oracle) 10.3.0 HotFix 02 can be downloaded from our support-ftp.tibco.com. You will be able to download by clicking on the link below after you provide your TIBCO Support Web username and password in the url: