Article ID: KB0105624
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TIBCO BusinessConnect EDI Protocol 2.8.0 hotfix 6 has been released.
You can download this Hot Fix from the TIBCO Product Support FTP server using your eSupport username and password, at
Once you have successfully logged into the server, you will find the hotfix packages under
Listed below is a summary of updates included. Please refer to the associated readme document for any additional information.
Issues addressed in Hotfix 6
BusinessConnect EDI Protocol failed to correctly audit log the error description if there are errors in the data file.
If there are errors in the data file, BusinessConnect failed to write the appropriate error description in the Audit Database. The Advisory that is published in ERROR.VALIDATION suffix was fine. This problem is fixed in this hotfix.
Issues addressed in Hotfix 5
When sending burst of batches, customer sees smaller number of separate batches being sent out. There occurs a timing problem when the Frequency of batches and/or Number of Transactions criteria is chosen.
These small batches were sent out in the same time as the big batch and for Trading Partners that require batch reference numbers to be sequential have a problem with smaller batches transmitted faster than the big ones. This problem is fixed.
BusinessConnect fetches the certificates stored in EDI-EDIFACT/EDI-X12 Trading partner instead of the one configured in EDI-Gateway there by forcing to upload the same certificates to all the Trading partners configured in Config GUI.
(CR:1-75RQMQ, SR:1-6ZXCWD)
This problem arises when the Trading Partner in question uses EDI-Gateway Van Partner to send the documents through FTP with SSL through Custom Scripting.
997 Acknowledgement received by BusinessConnect EDI for multiple transactions that were sent out causes database deadlock on Microsoft SQLServer.
(CR:1-76W375, SR:1-71UNCN)
997 that are received by BusinessConnect which were generated due to sending small number of batched transactions going out from BusinessConnect causes database deadlock on Microsoft SQLServer. This problem is resolved with a implicit retry and wait catch if a victim job is chosen during the reconciliation of transaction.
During inbound FTP-Get transport operation, if the remote FTP Server does not return any status information after opening the socket (Active Mode) during the control connection establishment, BusinessConnect enters in to a continuous loop waiting for the response and appends the following string repeatedly in the BC-Trace file
(CR:1-78AHSW, SR:1-7443UH)
This is actually not a fix but rather a workaround for a buggy FTP server where the FTP Server was not following the FTP Spec. BusinessConnect would retry and detect the scenario and close the Control Connection if it is not successful after the retries are exhausted.
When BusinessConnect EDI-Gateway Protocol is configured to receive inbound EDI documents from Trading partner with special characters,BC does not take "Characters To Strip" option into account for processing. This is happening with FTP-Get transport.
(CR:1-78CQPX, SR:1-6X61N7)
This problem does not occur if the document is received through EDI-X12 or EDI-EDIFACT Trading Partners transport. This problem is resolved by detecting the host property of the document type before preprocessing the document.
BusinessConnect EDI 2.8.0 does not log the "Outbound request" initiated by BC as configured under "Log raw EDI request to file" when the outbound document is to be redirected thru EDI-Gateway trading partner.
BusinessConnect EDI 2.8.0 does not log the "Outbound request" configured under BC Configuration GUI -> Trading host configuration-> Outbound -> Log raw EDI request to file" on EDI-X12 when the outbound document is to be redirected thru EDI-Gateway trading partner to be sent via AS2 transport.
BusinessConnect throws during batching when using oracle thin driver with edi.batch.useJDBCBinaryStream enabled.
BusinessConnect EDI uses compression and decompression to store batch data in the database. There was an EOFException thrown during decompressing when the edi.batch.useJDBCBinaryStream property is enabled. Frequent compression/decompression causes this exception and there are known bugs related to GZipInputStream in JRE. To avoid this problem, a property to not compress/decompress batch data is introduced in this hotfix (edi.Batch.CompressData with value of true or false with 'true' as default). This avoids the above mentioned problem.
Note: Another issue was found related to PreparedStatement being closing before the ResultSet stream was retrieved. Different JDBC drivers behave differently and this caused problem with Merant and new Oracle thin driver (ojdbc14.jar as well as classes12.jar).
With ojdbc14.jar, there was a problem found, so we store the binaryStream to disk immediately before the PreparedStatement is closed (edi.Batch.SwitchToFile property with values of true or false and 'false' is default). The disk location would be the location pointed by edi.inbound.tmpDir property. This edi.Batch.SwitchToFile property takes effect only if edi.batch.useJDBCBinaryStream is enabled.
Oracle in their website has differentiated different thin drivers based on JRE version.
classes12.jar for JRE 1.2 and 1.3
ojdbc14.jar for JRE 1.4 and above
Please look at the following oracle links for oracle 9.2 and 10g thin drivers:
TIBCO BusinessConnect EDI Protocol 2.8.0 hotfix 6 has been released.
Product: TIBCO BusinessConnect EDI Protocol
Version: 2.8.0