TIBCO SmartSockets 6.8.0 Hotfix 2 is now available

TIBCO SmartSockets 6.8.0 Hotfix 2 is now available


Article ID: KB0105803


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO SmartSockets -
Not Applicable -


Product Name:     TIBCO SmartSockets
Release Version:  6.8.0
Patch Level:      2
Release Date:     December 2006
NOTE: There is no need to install any other CFIX versions prior to in-
stalling  this CFIX since this CFIX encompasses all prior CFIX's.  

To see the complete readme file or to download this patch use the links provided below
Reported fixes (TIB_ss_6.8.0_CFIX_V2)

*       Resolved an issue that could lead to various problems  includ-
        ing  "ghost"  servers.   If  the cloud's subject routing state
        changes while two servers  are  priming,  the  priming  server
        would  not  be  notified of the change, and would end up in an
        inconsistent state.  Now, if something changes during a prime,
        the  prime  is  aborted by the server that detects the change.
        This is seen by the other end as the server connecting and im-
        mediately disconnecting.  This change does not affect compati-
        bility with old servers which will handle  being  disconnected
        in  the  same  manner,  but old servers are not able to detect
        problems and take corrective action.
        (CR 1-1V6F8O)

*       Fixed a problem where corrupt TCP packets could cause a thread
        reading  from  a conn to consume 100% CPU and become unrespon-
        sive.  This affected both RTserver and RTclients.
        (CR 1-7V7H81)

*       Improved message send throughput and send latency  in  Java/C#
        client API's.
        (CR 1-7HE7CO)

*       Fixed   an   issue   that   could  cause  conns  with  certain
        `unique_subject''s to monopolize a  dispatcher  if  they  lose
        their connection.  This issue would cause clients that use the
        dispatcher to starve other  connections  while  the  offending
        connection tries to reconnect.
        (CR 1-7GZ5NZ)


TIBCO SmartSockets 6.8.0 Hotfix 2 is now available


Product: TIBCO SmartSockets Version: 6.8.0 OS: --------------------


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