TIBCO iProcess Client (Browser) HotFix 03 is available.

TIBCO iProcess Client (Browser) HotFix 03 is available.


Article ID: KB0106386


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO iProcess Client (Browser) -
Not Applicable -


Product Name    : TIBCO iProcess Client (Browser)
Release Version    :
See next section for issues resolved in this HotFix.
See attached Readme document for installation details and
issues resolved in previous HotFix releases.
* Bug Fixes in this HOTFIX Release:

  * CR 19553
    Incorrect behavior occurs when a GI Form (jsx3.ipc.Form) is opened on
    a work item that is locked by another user.

    If a GI Form is opened on a work item that is locked by another user,
    an error message is displayed and the form automatically closes.

    Before this fix, closing the form attempts to unlock the work item:

      - If the client user has system administrator authority, the work
        item is unlocked. The user who originally had the work item
        locked (and who is probably currently working on the item)
        will have lost their lock, and when they try and do a
        keep/release they will be shown an error and (depending on the
        implementation) may lose all the work that they've done.    

      - If the client user does not have system administrator authority,
        the work item is not unlocked, but a second error message is
        displayed telling them that the unlock failed because they
        didn't have the work item locked.

    Corrected. If a GI Form is opened on a work item that is already
    locked by another user:  

      - A message is displayed informing the user that the work item
        is already locked by another user.      

      - The GI form will be displayed momentarily, then automatically

      - The work item list is refreshed to show the work item's locked

      - The work item will not be unlocked by the form.


The TIBCO iProcess Client (Browser) HotFix 03 can be downloaded from our support-ftp.tibco.com. You will be able to download by clicking on the link below after you provide your TIBCO Support Web username and password in the url:


Directory path:


TIBCO iProcess Client (Browser) HotFix 03 is available.


Product: TIBCO iProcess Client (Browser) Version: 10.5.0 OS: --------------------


TIBCO iProcess Client (Browser) HotFix 03 is available. get_app