TIBCO iProcess(TM) Oracle Server Plug-in HotFix 25 is available.
Article ID: KB0106399
Updated On:
TIBCO iProcess Oracle Server Plug-in
Not Applicable
Description: Product Name : TIBCO iProcess(TM) Oracle Server Plug-in Release Version : Release Date : June 2007 ============================================================= Note: This hotfix corrects the issues listed in the next section.
This release only applies to a TIBCO iProcess Oracle Server Plug-in 10.3 running on HP 9000; HP-UX 11 with an Oracle 10gR2 database.
============================================================= Closed Issues in
Defect ID: CR 30201 There is a buffer overrun in the TIBCO iProcess Oracle Server Plug-in.
Corrected. The buffer size allocated in the TIBCO iProcess Oracle Server Plug-in has been increased.
This problem is a single byte buffer overrun in the TIBCO iProcess (TM) Oracle Server Plug-in, and may be identified as a crash in the Background processes.
This problem can only happen when a text field value defined as an Input or Input & Output parameter, is passed to an EAI Oracle stored procedure, and that field is filled completely i.e. if you have defined a 24 character text field and the value is 24 characters long. An extra byte was being written off the end of the value, which would cause a problem when the buffer was full
============================================================= The TIBCO iProcess(TM) Oracle Server Plug-in HotFix 25 can be downloaded from our support-ftp.tibco.com. You will be able to download by clicking on the link below after you provide your TIBCO Support Web username and password in the url: