TIBCO iProcess Objects Server for Windows 11.0.1 HotFix 01 is available.
Article ID: KB0106106
Updated On:
TIBCO iProcess Objects Server
Not Applicable
Description: Product Name : TIBCO iProcess Objects Server for Windows Release Version : Release Date : August 2008 ========================================================
* Bug Fixes in this HOTFIX Release:
* MR 36473 The iProcess Objects Server always waits 50 milliseconds for the SAL session to become free before throwing an error, rather than waiting the amount of time specified in the SALWaitTimeout configuration parameter (this parameter is specified on the General tab in the iProcess Objects Server Configuration Utility).
Corrected. The server now uses the value specified in the SALWaitTimeout parameter (the default is 60000 milliseconds).
* MR 36472 Under certain circumstances, the iProcess Objects Server allows a case of a withdrawn procedure to be started. This can occur under the following circumstances:
- The client caches a list of procedures, with one of them being unreleased. - Someone modifies the definition of the unreleased procedure, creating a new version of the procedure. This results in the previous version (the one the client has cached) to become withdrawn. - From the cached procedure list in the client, someone starts a case of the previous version of the withdrawn procedure. - The SAL allows the case of the withdrawn procedure to be started. (This also results in work items from the unreleased procedure being sent to the released work queue.)
Corrected. The iProcess Objects Server now checks to verify whether or not a procedure is withdrawn before starting a case. If it is withdrawn, the server throws an error and does not start a case of the procedure.
Note that this situation could still occur if the iProcess Engine itself has put the procedure in a withdrawn state, but the iProcess Objects Server has not yet refreshed its cache.
* MR 36343 When triggering an event, if any of the "extended field name formats" are passed in, the TIBCO iProcess Objects Server throws the error "-110 (ER_NOFIELD)" when it validates the field name. Examples of extended field name formats are:
For information about the extended field name formats, refer to the "abox Files" section in the "TIBCO iProcess Modeler - Integration Techniques" guide.
Corrected. The TIBCO iProcess Objects Server no longer throws an error when it encounters extended field name formats. It now passes them directly to the SAL. The TIBCO iProcess Objects Server only validates fields in the simple FIELDNAME format.
The TIBCO iProcess Objects Server 11.0.1 HotFix 01 can be downloaded from our support-ftp.tibco.com. You will be able to download by clicking on the link below after you provide your TIBCO Support Web username and password in the url: