TIBCO iProcess Engine (Oracle) 11.0.1 HotFix 02 is available.
Article ID: KB0106417
Updated On:
TIBCO iProcess Engine (Oracle)
Not Applicable
Description: Product Name : TIBCO iProcess Engine (Oracle) Release Version : 11.0.1-Hotfix02 Release Date : September 2008 =============================================================
This hotfix applies to the TIBCO iProcess Engine, version 11.0.1 running on the following platform and database:
Allow EMPTYMBOXSLEEP to be specified in intervals less than 1 second in order to achieve low latency between steps.
Corrected. Set the EMPTYMBOXSLEEP attribute to the appropriate value. Values up to (and including) 60 are treated as a measure of the time to sleep in seconds. Values of greater than 60 are treated as the sleep time in milliseconds.
For example:
swadm set_attribute 0 bg 0 emptymboxsleep 100
To make the BG processes sleep for 100ms between checks for instructions; or
swadm set_attribute 0 all 0 emptymboxsleep 200
To make all processes (BG & WISMBD) sleep for 200ms between checks for new instructions.
The TIBCO iProcess Engine (Oracle) 11.0.1 HotFix 02 can be downloaded from our support-ftp.tibco.com. You will be able to download by clicking on the link below after you provide your TIBCO Support Web username and password in the url: