TIBCO Adapter for SWIFTNet5.6.0 Hotfix 1 is now available.

TIBCO Adapter for SWIFTNet5.6.0 Hotfix 1 is now available.


Article ID: KB0106461


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Adapter for SWIFT -
Not Applicable -


TIBCO Adapter for SWIFTNet 5.6.0 Hotfix 1 is released for all the platforms supported by the adapter. Please refer the HotFix readme file for further details.

The following are the important issues addressed in this Hotfix:

Closed Issues in TIBCO Adapter for SWIFTNet 5.6.0 Hotfix 1

Network Validation Rule C3 incorrectly enforced presense of fields 90a and 19A for MT535.

This has been fixed.


MT535 message with more that one B1b subsequence is failed validation while parsing.

This has been fixed.


Field 79 in MT499 and MT799 messages became repetitive in SWIFT Standards 2008, while

SWIFT Adapter treated it as non-repetitive. This has been fixed.


This hot fix can be downloaded from the TIBCO Product Support ftp server, ftp://support-ftp.tibco.com/, using your username and password for the TIBCO Support Web.  Once logged on,  you can find the hot fix under:


Please contact TIBCO Support if you have any problems finding or downloading this hotfix.


TIBCO Adapter for SWIFTNet5.6.0 Hotfix 1 is now available.


Product: TIBCO Adapter for SWIFT Version: TBD OS: All --------------------


TIBCO Adapter for SWIFTNet5.6.0 Hotfix 1 is now available. get_app