TIBCO iProcess Workspace (Browser) 11.0.1 HotFix 04 is available.

TIBCO iProcess Workspace (Browser) 11.0.1 HotFix 04 is available.


Article ID: KB0106284


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO iProcess Workspace (Browser) -
Not Applicable -


Product Name    : TIBCO iProcess Workspace (Browser)
Release Version  : 11.0.1-Hotfix04
Release Date     : November 2008

This hotfix is cumulative -- hotfix04 includes hotfixes 01 - 03.
This hotfix corrects all issues listed in the Closed Issues section.


Closed Issues in 11.0.1-Hotfix04

Defect Id: 37919
  If a work item list is refreshed when a page other than the first
  page of the list is displayed, the refreshed list always displays
  the first page rather than the page that was displayed when the
  list was refreshed.

Closed Issues in 11.0.1-Hotfix03

Defect Id: (Siebel CR) 1-92HKRL
  Values are not displaying correctly on TIBCO Forms used in the
  TIBCO iProcess Workspace (Browser) client application when commas
  are used for decimals instead of periods.

  Corrected. (Note - The problem resulted in a fix in TIBCO Forms. The
  TIBCO iProcess Workspace (Browser) was rebuilt with an updated TIBCO
  Forms. There are no TIBCO iProcess Workspace (Browser) MRs in this
Closed Issues in 11.0.1-Hotfix02

Defect Id: MR 37789
  When a work item list is displaying a page (other than on the first
  page), and a refresh is performed, when returning to the first page,
  the contents are not correct. This only occurs when the refresh
  does not result in the list being updated (i.e., the list did not
  change on the server, so the list is not reloaded).
  This situation can occur when a work item is opened, but the work
  item does not get locked because of an error -- a refresh is
  performed, but the status of the list does not change on the server
  due to the error.

Closed Issues in 11.0.1-Hotfix01

Defect Id: MR 36651
  After changing the definition of a TIBCO Form, the application is
  continuing to use the original form.


NOTE: See attached Readme document for installation instructions.


The TIBCO iProcess Workspace (Browser) 11.0.1 HotFix 04 can be downloaded from our support-ftp.tibco.com. You will be able to download by clicking on the link below after you provide your TIBCO Support Web username and password in the url:


Directory path:


TIBCO iProcess Workspace (Browser) 11.0.1 HotFix 04 is available.


Product: TIBCO iProcess Workspace (Browser) Version: 11.0.1 OS: --------------------


TIBCO iProcess Workspace (Browser) 11.0.1 HotFix 04 is available. get_app