Article ID: KB0106314
Updated On:
You can download this HotFix from the TIBCO Product Support FTP server using your eSupport username and password, at
Once you have successfully logged into the server, you will find the hotfix packages under
Important note: This hotfix requires TIBCOUniversalInstaller_250v12, and another hotfix "TIB_amx_tap_020100_2" if you want to address CR#1-8J213R.
Listed below is a summary of updates included. Please refer to the associated readme document for any additional information.
Closed Issues in AMX-RP-020100-1 (This Release)
1-9GP7ZT: If node is overloaded, sometimes node restart is not able to start the SA and
throws NPE, Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
1-8J213R: Performance degradation in Administrator when used with Oracle, as compared with
other databases, is no longer an issue. However, certain performance optimizations
required changes to the underlying Database table schema. For backward compatibility,
this schema change is not enabled for an existing Administrator cluster. The schema
change is applied automatically for a new Administrator cluster only.
Note: You will need to install the TIB_amx_tap_020100_2 hotfix also to get the better
1-98OESD: On certain unix platforms tibcommander utility is failing if the environment variables
PATH and JVM_LIB_DIR is set to non TIBCOJre PATH.
1-9GSNY1: The PMConfig util needs to be able to handle encrypted db password
1-9DCNZK: AMX ServiceProbe does not emit valid values for MessageSize when SOAP/JMS is
used as the transport for a service.
1-9F9N7Q: When node agent is disconnect with PM, undeploy/redeploy causes loss of policies
(for the use tcase that Policy manager is not shipped with the node agent)
1-912VNZ: Durability subscription scenario for a message in JMS service no longer throws
an exception in the Message Listener. See the Installation section for information
on the properties you must set in an existing runtime node's tra file.
1-917EUI: If an ActiveMatrix environment is associated with Policy Manager,
the exception java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
is observed on node startup and all the policies targeted for endpoints managed
by the node's policy agent will be rejected. This is now fixed.
1-97QN62: Configuring logging with JMS appender at Debug level is not
recommended due to the large volume of log entries. Undesirable symptoms
may include:
- NullPointerException during node startup
- Node freezes during start up
- Running out of database connections in ActiveMatrix Administrator
Some of these symptoms have been addressed by this hotfix release.
However, we still recommend using the console appender with Debug level
TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) Businessworks Service Engine 5.6 Hotfix "TIB_amx_rp_020100_1" is now available.
Product: TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Service Engine
Version: 5.6.4