TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) Service Grid 2.1.0 Hotfix "TIB_amx_tpcl_020100_1" is now available.

TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) Service Grid 2.1.0 Hotfix "TIB_amx_tpcl_020100_1" is now available.


Article ID: KB0106257


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO ActiveMatrix Service Grid -
Not Applicable -


You can download this HotFix from the TIBCO Product Support FTP server using your eSupport username and password, at

Once you have successfully logged into the server, you will find the hotfix packages under

Listed below is a summary of updates included. Please refer to the associated readme document for any additional information.

Closed Issues in AMX-TPCL-020100-1 (This Release)
  1-9J500N: Interoperability issue (Bad Padding Exception) when the web service client is configured with a
  security provider other than Entrust such as J2SE.


TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) Service Grid 2.1.0 Hotfix "TIB_amx_tpcl_020100_1" is now available.


Product: TIBCO ActiveMatrix Service Grid Version: 2.1.0 OS: --------------------