TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) Service Grid 2.1.0 Hotfix "TIB_amx_sds_020100_2" is now available.
Article ID: KB0105362
Updated On:
TIBCO ActiveMatrix Service Grid
Not Applicable
Description: You can download this HotFix from the TIBCO Product Support FTP server using your eSupport username and password, at ftp://support-ftp.tibco.com
Once you have successfully logged into the server, you will find the hotfix packages under available_downloads/ActiveMatrix/ActiveMatrixServiceGrid/2.1.0/TIB_amx_sds_020100_2/
Listed below is a summary of updates included. Please refer to the associated readme document for any additional information.
====================================================================== Closed Issues in TIB_amx_sds_020100_2 (This Release)
1-9GI4ZO: If a BW component is renamed and then we do a refresh on the Service Assembly Editor, it shows two BW components, one with the older name and other with the new name
1-9HB6LF: AMX debugger fails to launch (usually in migrated workspaces) due to a deadlock when packaging for deployment starts before workspace builders have completed their work.
1-9HERN1: Clean up the debug node directory structure when deployment of a service assembly fails while debugging a composite from BusinessStudio. A "Debugger clean-up" menu action is added as well as a warning to the user when automatic cleanup failed (due to OS file locking) and provide the user with description of manual steps to perform when such scenario occurs.
1-9NSE44: AMX dubugger takes very high CPU for a simple AMX project
Closed Issues in TIB_amx_sds_020100_1 (Previous Release)
1-9CZHE6: Queue name should be externalized (referenced through substitution variable) in SOAP over JMS for both service and reference.
TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) Service Grid 2.1.0 Hotfix "TIB_amx_sds_020100_2" is now available.
Product: TIBCO ActiveMatrix Service Grid
Version: 2.1.0