TIBCO iProcess Workspace (Browser) 11.1.0 HotFix 06 is available.
Article ID: KB0105147
Updated On:
TIBCO iProcess Workspace (Browser)
Not Applicable
Description: Product Name : TIBCO iProcess Workspace (Browser) Release Version : 11.1.0-Hotfix06 Release Date : May 2009 ========================================================
This hotfix is cumulative with all previous hotfixes. It includes the iProcess Client, iProcess Workspace (Browser) Components, Java Action Processor, and .NET Action Processor.
Note - There was no hotfix02, 03, nor 04 of this product released.
Defect Id: 39284 If a group name contains the "/" character, work items are not being displayed in that group's work queue. (The application log shows the following exception: "Uncaught Exception: Permission denied".)
Corrected. Note that after applying this hotfix, users of Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 will lose persisted layout settings for the work queue that contained the "/" character. This includes settings such as the columns displayed, column widths, etc. -- the persisted work item list layout settings will revert to the default settings.
The TIBCO iProcess Workspace (Browser) 11.1.0 HotFix 06 can be downloaded from our support-ftp.tibco.com. You will be able to download by clicking on the link below after you provide your TIBCO Support Web username and password in the url: