Article ID: KB0105159
Updated On:
You can download this HotFix from the TIBCO Product Support FTP server using your eSupport username and password, at
Once you have successfully logged into the server, you will find the hotfix packages under
Listed below is a summary of updates included. Please refer to the associated readme document for more additional information.
IMPORTANT Note: If you are using "AMSG 2.1.0 with AMX_TAP_020100_2" or higher, and leverage the more performing DB schema, please make sure you follow the steps outlined in LBN1-9MXVHS. Otherwise, NodeUpgrader may fail with "table or object not found" error message in some scenarios.
Closed Issues in 1.1.0_hotfix05 (This release)
When using the Debug log level, the first cout statement from a C++
component implementation did not appear in the log.
CPP container performance was getting degraded as node going high
cpu, leaving no cycles for CPP container native process.
The WSDL containing namespaces without prefixes resulted in improper
code generation as the container searched for the namespace prefix
even for the default namespace.
The CPP container was unable to invoke the 'Stop' and 'Destroy'
The CPP container did not execute the 'printf' and 'std::cout'
It is recommended to use "cout" or "cerr" statements instead of
"printf" statements while logging the user messages in CPP-IT. If
printfs are used in CPP IT, then CPP-IT prints them when flushing
character emerges. By default flush character is added by CPP-IT
at end of every operation.
For the printf statements to be visible immediately, you must add
flushing of stream after printfs.
For example:
fflush(stdout); // For flushing output stream.
fflush(stderr); // For flushing error stream.
When the first client request timed out, the CPP container sent the
response for the first request to the next subsequent request.
Support to handle exception in C++ container life cycle methods
and pass them on to TIBCO Administrator to show the correct status
of service assembly was required.
In case of an exception thrown in the lifecycle method and to
communicate the custom exception cause to the administrator, add the
following code snippet:
// user written code, which will throw "xyz" exception
catch (xyz & ex)
// For communicating exception message to Administrator
// set custom message using following API.
Application::setErrorMessage("custome message");
throw ex;
If such a provision is carried out, then a following default error
message will be propagated to the administrator.
For example, "Application failed in init".
CPP containers memory kept growing constantly and did not get
released after the completion of service.
Memory leak fix requires code regeneration and compilation. If the
code is not regenerated, user can continue to use old application
library with this hotfix. However, memory leak can still be present
in some scenarios.
Throughput degraded considerably on all UNIX platforms as compared
Closed Issues in 1.1.0_hotfix04
If C++ process associated with service assembly, that has a service unit
deployed in ActiveMatrix Implementation Type for C++, gets terminated then
the node consumes high CPU cycles.
Closed Issues in 1.1.0_hotfix03
Support for AIX 32-bit CPP compilation/run was required
Closed Issues in 1.1.0_hotfix02
getting SocketPool::init: failed to connect to localhost:50735 error,
while running the CPP container on Win 2008.
Closed Issues in 1.1.0_hotfix01
bmciiws_send failed in parsing the inbound request: "Invalid
1-9N1HM0 :
NullPointerException encountered when a return value is a void.
1-9N1I1S :
The C++ Container generates a non-const member function on a const
TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) Implementation Type for C++ 1.1.0 Hotfix 5 is now available.
Product: TIBCO ActiveMatrix CPP Implementation Type
Version: 1.1.0