TIBCO iProcess Engine (SQL) 11.0.2 HotFix 04 is available.
Article ID: KB0105098
Updated On:
TIBCO iProcess Engine (SQL)
Not Applicable
Description: Product Name : TIBCO iProcess Engine (SQL) Release Version : 11.0.2-Hotfix04 Release Date : August 2009 =============================================================
This hotfix applies to TIBCO iProcess Engine version 11.0.2 running on the following platform and database:
Windows 2000/2003 with SQL Server 2000/2005
TIBCO iProcess Objects Server 11.0.2-Hotfix01 is included as part of this distribution. See the separate readme.txt attached for more details.
If IAPJMS is configured and the iProcess Engine cannot connect to the EMS server, the BG processes are slowed and may hang.
The IAPJMS process returns a new code "04" to the BG if the connection to EMS is in failover when BG needs a reply. IAPJMS messages are then ignored until the connection is restored. An error message is written to sw_error, in the following format:
2009/08/18 17:36:58 (iapjms:::2::com.staffware.core.iapjms.library.iapjmsserver. GenericJMSProducer::261):1998-IAPJMS Message ignored. Reason: JMS connection is in failover
A new process attribute IAPJMS_TESTCON_INTERVAL has been added to set the interval for testing the connection to EMS. This value is specified in seconds; it should be in the range 1 to 30 and defaults to 5 if not specified.
You can change this value using the following command:
swadm set_attribute 0 ALL 0 IAPJMS_TESTCON_INTERVAL <value>
See the TIBCO iProcess Engine Administrator's Guide for more information on using the SWDIR\util\swadm utility to set attributes.
The TIBCO iProcess Engine (SQL) 11.0.2 HotFix 04 can be downloaded from our support-ftp.tibco.com. You will be able to download by clicking on the link below after you provide your TIBCO Support Web username and password in the url: