TIBCO iProcess Server Objects (.NET) 11.1.0 HotFix 01 is available.
Article ID: KB0105082
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TIBCO iProcess Server Objects (.NET)
Not Applicable
Description: Product Name : TIBCO iProcess Server Objects (.NET) Release Version : 11.1.0_Hotfix01 Release Date : October 2009 ========================================================
Closed Issues in 11.1.0_Hotfix01
Defect Id: MR 38452 The usernames and passwords returned by the getDatabaseConfig method are frequently corrupted.
Defect Id: MR 38405 New methods need to be added to lock the first available work item.
Implemented. The following objects, methods and properties have been added to TIBCO iProcess Server Objects (.NET) to allow you to lock the first available work item in a list of work items:
- LockFirstItem - This new method has been added to the sPageableListR object. It is used to lock the first available work item in a list of work items when you are using pageable lists.
- LockFirstWorkItem - This new method has been added to the sWorkQ and xWorkQ objects. It is used to lock the first available work item in a list of vWorkItem objects when you are using "single-block item access" lists (i.e., the MakeWorkItemList method was used to create the list of vWorkItem objects).
- LockFirstAWorkItem - This new method has been added to the sWorkQ and xWorkQ objects. It is used to lock the first available work item in a list of vAWorkItem objects when you are using "single-block item access" lists (i.e., the MakeAWorkItemList method was used to create the list of vAWorkItem objects).
- vWILocked - This new object is returned by the three new "Lock" methods listed above. This object contains the following properties, which provide information about the work item that was locked:
- Index - Returns the index at which the first available work item was found.
- LockedItem - Returns the locked work item.
- WIFieldGroup - Returns a vWIFieldGroup object, which represents the set of fields in the work item that was locked.
Note that to make use of these new lock methods, you must be using a TIBCO iProcess Objects Server that has implemented MR 38404.
For more information about these new objects, methods, and properties, see the on-line help system provided with this hotfix.
The TIBCO iProcess Server Objects (.NET) 11.1.0 HotFix 01 can be downloaded from our support-ftp.tibco.com. You will be able to download by clicking on the link below after you provide your TIBCO Support Web username and password in the url: