TIBCO iProcess Conductor 11.2.0 HotFix 01 is available.

TIBCO iProcess Conductor 11.2.0 HotFix 01 is available.


Article ID: KB0105095


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO iProcess Conductor -
Not Applicable -


Product Name    : TIBCO iProcess Conductor
Release Version  : 11.2.0-Hotfix01
Release Date     : December 2009

This hotfix corrects the issue listed in the Closed Issues section.
It is the first hotfix for version 11.2.0.

This hotfix applies to TIBCO iProcess Conductor, version 11.2.0
running on the following platforms and database:

  Microsoft Windows (x86):
    - Windows XP Professional
    - Windows Server 2003 SP2
    - Windows Server 2003 x64
    - Windows Server 2008
    - Windows Server 2008 x64
    - Windows Vista SP1

  Linux (x86):
    One of the following Linux versions (using 32-bit JRE libraries

    - Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise 10
    - RedHat Enterprise Linux 4.x AS
    - RedHat Enterprise Linux 4.x ES
    - RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.x AS
    - RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.x ES

    (Other Linux implementations may be compatible; see the TIBCO
    iProcess Conductor Installation guide.)

  Supported Databases

    - Oracle 10g release
    - Oracle 11g release


Closed Issues in 11.2.0-Hotfix01

Defect Id: MR 41973

  Paging control of order lines and order request lines is required.

  Implemented. See attached Readme document.

Defect Id: MR 41974

  Show details of the order line in a popup dialog window.

  Implemented. See attached Readme document.

Defect Id: MR 41975

  Make the paging and popup features configurable.

  Implemented. See attached Readme document.


NOTE: See attached Readme document for installation instructions.


The TIBCO iProcess Conductor 11.2.0 HotFix 01 can be downloaded from our support-ftp.tibco.com. You will be able to download by clicking on the link below after you provide your TIBCO Support Web username and password in the url:


Directory path:


TIBCO iProcess Conductor 11.2.0 HotFix 01 is available.


Product: TIBCO iProcess Conductor Version: 11.2.0 OS: --------------------


TIBCO iProcess Conductor 11.2.0 HotFix 01 is available. get_app