TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) Binding Type for EJB Software 1.0.0 hotfix 02 is now available.
Article ID: KB0105276
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TIBCO ActiveMatrix Binding Type for EJB
Not Applicable
Description: You can download this HotFix from the TIBCO Product Support FTP server using your eSupport username and password, at ftp://support-ftp.tibco.com
Once you have successfully logged into the server, you will find the hotfix packages under available_downloads/ActiveMatrix/BindingTypeEJB/1.0.0/hotfix-02
Listed below is a summary of updates included. Please refer to the associated readme document for any additional information.
====================================================================== Closed Issues in 1.0.0_Hotfix02 (This Release)
BEJB-132 The WSDL file generated by TIBCO ActiveMatrix Binding Type for EJB 1.0 did not contain any operations when the EJB Remote interface in the EJB-client jar was empty. All the EJB business methods were implemented by another interface that extended the EJB Remote interface.
============================================================================== Closed Issues in 1.0.0_Hotfix01
1-9RJFYL The error message for the error code TIBCO-BT-EJB-910274 has been changed from "EJB Binding Type Component 'EJB' undeployed successfully" to "EJB Binding Type Component 'EJB' stopped successfully". The error message for the error code TIBCO-BT-EJB-910272 has been changed from "EJB Binding Type Component "EJB" started successfully." to "EJB Binding Type Component 'EJB' initialized successfully".
1-9S9267 TIBCO-BT-EJB-910293 OutboundRequest.EJB Binding Type has an incorrect logger name. The Logger name "com.tibco.commonlogging.eventlogger" has been changed to "com.tibco.commonlogging.eventlogger.message".
1-9TPKJI The message for the error code TIBCO-BT-EJB-910251 has been changed from "EJB Binding Type Factory initialized successfully." to "EJB Binding Type initialized successfully.".
The message for the error code TIBCO-BT-EJB-910252 has been changed from "EJB Binding Type Factory started successfully" to "EJB Binding Type started successfully".
TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) Binding Type for EJB Software 1.0.0 hotfix 02 is now available.
Product: TIBCO ActiveMatrix Binding Type for EJB
Version: 1.0.0