TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) Service Bus 3.0.0 Hotfix, TIB_amx_3.0.0_hotfix001, is now available.
Article ID: KB0105015
Updated On:
TIBCO ActiveMatrix Service Bus
Not Applicable
Description: You can download this HotFix from the TIBCO Product Support FTP server using your eSupport username and password, at ftp://support-ftp.tibco.com
Once you have successfully logged into the server, you will find the hotfix packages under available_downloads/ActiveMatrix/ActiveMatrixServiceBus/3.0.0/TIB_amx_3.0.0_hotfix001
Listed below is a summary of updates included. Please refer to the hot fix readme document for any additional information.
There is also a known issue that could arise under certain circumstances. Please refer to SOL1-B1D9Y3 for further details.
====================================================================== Closed Issues in 3.0.0_hotfix001 (This Release)
AMRP-2252, AMRP-2274 Deploying TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM applications after upgrading resulted in errors.
AMRP-2153 Faults were not propagated from the SOAP reference.
CL-1315 In certain cases, a ClassNotFound exception occured during node shutdown or restart.
MCR-603 The metrics aggregator did not process the host name provided by the machine agent.
MCR-776 All rate metrics showed statistics related to the last message emitted by the service probe.
MCR-808 Occasionally, the rate metrics in dashboard showed incorrect values when there are long intervals between requests to service.
MCR-825 The CPU consumption on the Administrator machine was very high because of metrics collection component.
MCR-889 The EMS password validation failed when EMS authorization was turned on.
MCR-896 When a node shuts down the JDBC connections were not closed resulting in errors when restarting the node.
MED-1875 When a AMX BPM component was wired to a Mediation component and if the WSDL message contained a part referring to a simpleType, data loss was observed in message data of the Mediation exchange.
MED-1878 Processing unbound SOAP headers resulted in a Null Pointer Exception.
TAP-5018 The inline credentials on JMS Resource Templates and JNDI Connection Configuration are no longer lost.
TAP-5130, TAP-5220 Unable to upgrade the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM application templates on a running system.
TOOL-383 The Administration server response downgraded slowly after some time when running with SQLServer.
TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) Service Bus 3.0.0 Hotfix, TIB_amx_3.0.0_hotfix001, is now available.
Product: TIBCO ActiveMatrix Service Bus
Version: 3.0.0