TIBCO Collaborative Information Manager 7.2.1 Hotfix 09 is now available
Article ID: KB0104882
Updated On:
TIBCO Collaborative Information Manager
Not Applicable
Description: The hotfix can be downloaded from the TIBCO Support ftp server, support-ftp.tibco.com. Please use your eSupport username and password to access the server. After connecting, go to /available_downloads/CollaborativeInformationManager/7.2.1/hotfix-09/ to download the hotfix. This .tar file also has the Readme file inside. Please untar the file and look for the Readme file for Instruction on how to apply the hotfix.
The defects fixed in CIM 7.2.1 Hotfix 09 are:
CIM-8945 CIM Record query web-service is enhanced as per below:
1. Similar to an "Order By" in a SQL user now can retrieve data from CIM using CIM Web Services in a sorted order based on one or more columns specified along with Ascending or Descending Order.
2. In the request to the Web Service call user can specify list of columns and order in which the sorting needs to happen. If the order is not specified it is assumed 'Ascending'. A new element <OrderByColumnList> under <Command> element is added as below:
<Command type="Query"> <StartCount>5</StartCount> <MaxCount>50</MaxCount> <!-- Sample OrderByColumnList syntax is --> <OrderByColumnList>AttributeName1, DESC:AttributeName2, ASC:AttributeName3</OrderByColumnList> <!-- Order can be ASC or DESC, and is optional. Default being ASC -->
TIBCO Collaborative Information Manager 7.2.1 Hotfix 09 is now available
Product: TIBCO Collaborative Information Manager
Version: 7.2.1
OS: All