TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) Service Grid 3.0.1 Hotfix, TIB_amx_3.0.1_hotfix001, is now available.
Article ID: KB0105232
Updated On:
TIBCO ActiveMatrix Service Grid
Not Applicable
Description: You can download this HotFix from the TIBCO Product Support FTP server using your eSupport username and password, at ftp://support-ftp.tibco.com
Once you have successfully logged into the server, you will find the hotfix packages under available_downloads/ActiveMatrix/ActiveMatrixServiceGrid/3.0.1/TIB_amx_3.0.1_hotfix001
Listed below is a summary of updates included. Please refer to the hot fix readme document for any additional information.
====================================================================== Closed Issues in 3.0.1_hotfix001 (This Release)
AMX-6956 Node startup had a defect where its ability to clean the OSGi cache and re-start the node was not functioning properly in case of forced stop of the node.
AMX-7143 aspectj and beans postprocessor [The version 1.5.2a has a defect in org.aspectj.lang.LangUtil] incorrectly identifies the version of jre, and method signature parsing for classes with generics fails.
TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) Service Grid 3.0.1 Hotfix, TIB_amx_3.0.1_hotfix001, is now available.
Product: TIBCO ActiveMatrix Service Grid
Version: 3.0.1