TIBCO iProcess (TM) Technology Plug-ins 11.2.0 HotFix 05 is available.
Article ID: KB0103731
Updated On:
TIBCO iProcess Technology Plug-ins
Not Applicable
Description: Product Name : TIBCO iProcess (TM) Technology Plug-ins Release Version : 11.2.0-Hotfix05 Release Date : April 2011 ======================================================================
This hotfix corrects the issue listed in the Closed Issues sections. It does not include any previous hotfix releases.
This hotfix applies to TIBCO iProcess Technology Plug-ins 11.2.0 running on the following platforms:
When mapping the output of a POJO (String) into an iProcess Memo field, the process failed at runtime as a consequence of the validation of field lengths. Memos did not have a length (-1) and the check failed with a fatal error.
The TIBCO iProcess (TM) Technology Plug-ins 11.2.0 HotFix 05 can be downloaded from our support-ftp.tibco.com. You will be able to download by clicking on the link below after you provide your TIBCO Support Web username and password in the url: