Description: You can download this HotFix from the TIBCO Product Support ftp server, You will need to provide your eSupport username and password to access the server. Once you have successfully logged into the server, go to /available_downloads/ActiveEnterprise/TIBCORuntimeAgent/5.7.1/hotfix-02/ to download the fix.
================================================================================ Affected Files for 5.7.1_hotfix02
The following files are installed by this hotfix. Note that some files are platform-specific and are installed only on that platform.
================================================================================ Closed Issues in 5.7.1_hotfix02 (This Release)
TRA-2488 Deployment and undeployment of BusinessWorks(TM) applications in the TIBCO Administrator(TM) GUI failed with the " Stream closed" error.
TRA-2421 Batch deployment and undeployment of applications in a database-based domain failed with errors.
TXML-123 Mapping to xsd:any processContents="skip" caused an error.