TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Service Engine 5.8.0 Hotfix-2 is available.
Article ID: KB0103439
Updated On:
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Service Engine
Not Applicable
Description: The patch can be downloaded from the TIBCO Support ftp server, support-ftp.tibco.com. Please use your eSupport username and password to access the server. After connecting, go to /available_downloads/ActiveMatrix/BusinessWorksServiceEngine/5.8.0/hotfix-02/ to download the appropriate hotfix for your OS/platform.
1. Unzip the hotfix installer TIB_bwse_5.8.0_hotfix02.zip to a temporary directory. For example, c:\tibco\bwsehotfix.
2. Get the TIBCOUniversalInstaller version 2.5.0 V24 from TIBCO Support FTP Server ftp://support-ftp.tibco.com and copy it into the directory where the hotfix is extracted.
3. Stop TIBCO Management Daemon and ActiveMatrix Administrator.
4. Ensure that the ActiveMatrix database is running.
5. Launch the TIBCOUniversalInstaller{.exe,bin} executable from the temporary directory and install the hotfix into the <TIBCO_HOME> of your base product.
6. Re-start Management Daemon, ActiveMatrix Administrator, and nodes.
====================================================================== Affected Files for 5.8.0_hotfix02
All Platforms:
The following release units are installed by this hotfix. - com.tibco.matrix.bwse.admin.feature
====================================================================== Closed Issues in 5.8.0_hotfix02 (This release)
BWSE-2454 Users with read only permissions were able to incorrectly edit BW Global Variables and BW Settings . This is fixed.