TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) Service Performance Manager 1.2.0 Hotfix "TIB_amx_rp_020201_6" is now available.

TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) Service Performance Manager 1.2.0 Hotfix "TIB_amx_rp_020201_6" is now available.


Article ID: KB0103661


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Service Performance Manager -
Not Applicable -


You can download this HotFix from the TIBCO Product Support FTP server using your eSupport username and password, at

Once you have successfully logged into the server, you will find the hotfix packages under

Listed below is a summary of updates included. Please refer to the associated readme document for any additional information.

Closed Issues in hotfix tib_amx_rp_020201_hotfix06 (This Release)

    Namespace already declared - Deserialization Error when using SOAP/JMS Service.

    Missing namespace on the wire format for RPC literal when using SOAP Reference.

Closed Issues in hotfix tib_amx_rp_020201_hotfix05 (July 2010)

    Not able to retrieve RelatesTo and RelationshipType attribute from WS-Addressing header.

Closed Issues in hotfix tib_amx_rp_020201_hotfix04 (March 2010)

    A JNDI-based JMS shared resource now correctly loads a custom object factory
    when used in SOAP or JMS bindings.


Closed Issues in hotfix tib_amx_rp_020201_hotfix03 (November 2009)

    Interoperability issues with TIBCO ActiveMatrix ™ Service Grid in using BEA and IBM JMS servers for
    SOAP over JMS bindings (reference only) and JMS bindings (reference and service) are resolved.
    For more details, refer the Late Breaking News item LBN1-ACDADN, and TIB_amx_rp_020201_hotfix03.pdf
    that is packaged in this hotfix archive.

    JMS bindings now propagate JMSRedelivered header in the transport headers to the component implementation.
    You can filter the redelivered messages by adding a property "java.property.jmsbinding.filterredelivered=true"
    in the TRA file of the runtime node.

    SOAP (JMS transport) bindings now propagate JMSRedelivered header in the transport headers
    to the component implementation. You can filter the redelivered messages by adding a property
   "java.property.soapjmsbinding.filterredelivered=true" in the TRA file of the runtime node.

    ActiveMatrix Service Grid now supports mapping [ GET / SET ] SOAP fault element
   (faultstring, faultcode, faultactor) and also has a field for the faultcode
    in UndeclaredFault schema. Refer the LBN LBN1-ACDADN for more details.

    When multiple concurrent operations (creating environment/nodes....) are
    being performed by both Administrator Command line scripts and manual operations on Administrator GUI,
    occasionally the machine.xmi file gets deleted.


Closed Issues in hotfix tib_amx_rp_020201_hotfix02 (September 2009)

    ActiveMatrix no longer raises a null pointer exception if a fault
    message has an empty detail element. The detail element can be empty
    according to SOAP 1.1 specification.

    Components can now set endpoint references for SOAP/HTTP providers
    at runtime based on business data.

    Service units with SOAP/JMS with static reply queues can now be
    deployed on multiple nodes for In-Out MEPs. The SOAP/JMS binding will correlate
    replies coming for multiple clients on the same queue.


Closed Issues in hotfix tib_amx_rp_020201_hotfix01 (August 2009)

    When a service assembly log level is set to Debug SOAP references no
    longer move SOAP headers to the SOAP body.

    Socket time out is no longer reported to the client in IN-OUT scenario
    when provider node shuts down gracefully during processing of the message.

    A runtime exception is no longer raised in the node startup console
    when a service assembly is deployed and undeployed multiple times.


TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) Service Performance Manager 1.2.0 Hotfix "TIB_amx_rp_020201_6" is now available.


Product: TIBCO ActiveMatrix Service Performance Manager Version: 1.2.0 OS: --------------------