TIBCO Business Studio BPM Edition 3.5.2 HotFix 01 is available.
Article ID: KB0103611
Updated On:
TIBCO Business Studio - BPM Edition
Not Applicable
Description: Product Name : TIBCO Business Studio(TM) Release Version : 3.5.2_HF-001 Release Date : November 2011 ======================================================================
Hotfixes are cumulative. This is the first hotfix for TIBCO Business Studio 3.5.2. It includes the issues listed in the Closed Issues section.
XPD-2532 After starting Correlation projects, a simple request-reply Process As A Service does not work.
XPD-2506 When using the Service Import Wizard, XML schemas that are never utilized can sometimes be omitted from the import process.
XPD-2503 If a project containing a business object model (BOM) is referenced indirectly from another project (Project1 references Project2 which references the BOM project), and an external reference field in the indirect project (Project1) references a class in the BOM, the script descriptor file is not generated.
XPD-2493 An incorrect validation error displays in the script editor when using a BOM primitive type top-level element as a Text type.
XPD-2481 The BRM component in a user application should depend upon the Directory Engine component using a range rather than a version, to enable application upgrade.
XPD-2473 BPM user applications should use "Transacted One Way" policy rather than the "At Least Once" policy.
XPD-2465 If one Business Object Model (BOM) depends on another, it should express the dependency using a range in which the minimum and maximum values are the same and they both are inclusive.
XPD-2454 A user-defined Business Object Model (BOM) generated an invalid schema when a Class had both a generalization and an association.
XPD-2441 Disable WSDL generation for a process interface. Adding a process interface to an xpdl file can create a user application upgrade problem for a TIBCO Business Studio project which is already deployed and running on the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM server.
Note: If there is an application already deployed and running with process interface(s), then to avoid any WSDL changes due to XPD-2441 which can lead to a user application upgrade problem, user(s) can switch on WSDL generation for a process interface by adding an extended attribute on the XPDL package level called 'EnableWsdlGenForProcInterface' with its value set to true.
XPD-2434 A mapping error is seen when a Decimal Fixed Point value is mapped to a value of the same type, and no error is seen when it is mapped to Decimal Floating Point value.
FORM-4578 Changes in an embeddable form are not reflected in the outer form without a project clean for newly created projects.
The TIBCO Business Studio BPM Edition 3.5.2 HotFix 01 can be downloaded from our support-ftp.tibco.com. You will be able to download by clicking on the link below after you provide your TIBCO Support Web username and password in the url: