TIBCO Collaborative Information Manager 8.0.1 Hotfix 18 is now available.
Article ID: KB0103821
Updated On:
TIBCO Collaborative Information Manager
Not Applicable
Description: The hotfix can be downloaded from the TIBCO Support ftp server, support-ftp.tibco.com. Please use your eSupport username and password to access the server. After connecting, go to /available_downloads/CollaborativeInformationManager/CollaborativeInformationManager/8.0.1/hotfix-18/ to download the hotfix. This .tar file also has the Readme file inside. Please untar the file and look for the Readme file for Instruction on how to apply the hotfix.
The defects fixed in CIM 8.0.1 Hotfix 18 are:
CIM-11310 The Record Details screen displayed on click of Records link from Event Details screen has been updated to display custom attributes other than ID and IDEXT. These attributes are retrieved from configure dialog box in Browse and Search.
CIM-11490 On clicking "Show History" and viewing an old record version, the latest version was displayed instead of the selected version number on View Record.
CIM-11530 When a delegation profile was defined, no email notification was sent to delegated user of a workitem.
CIM-11574 The password was not encrypted correctly in ConfigValues.xml.
CIM-11626 The Event Detail page was updated to display the first name and last namealong with username in CreateWorkitem Activity. In addition the EventInitiator was updated to display last name and first name.
TIBCO Collaborative Information Manager 8.0.1 Hotfix 18 is now available.
Product: TIBCO Collaborative Information Manager
Version: 8.0.1