TIBCO Spotfire 3.3.x patch TS_3.3.1.36 HF-006 is now available

TIBCO Spotfire 3.3.x patch TS_3.3.1.36 HF-006 is now available


Article ID: KB0103595


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Analyst -
Not Applicable -


TIBCO Spotfire 3.3.x patch TS_3.3.1.36 HF-006 is now available - the patch can be downloaded from the TIBCO Spotfire Support Download site at:


NOTE: This patch can be used for both TIBCO Spotfire 3.3.0 and 3.3.1.

Listed below is a summary of the issue(s) that have been fixed in this release:
1. On-Demand tables may show duplicate rows.
2. Warning message ("You do not have the necessary permissions to view some of the elements in this information link") is incorrectly displayed in Open from Library dialog for Information Links containing prompts.
3. Categorical values can be repeated multiple times under low memory conditions.
4. Occasional Errors ("System.NullReferenceException for Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Collections.DataBlockStringAsUtf8.IsPayloadEqual") when running Scheduled Updates.


TIBCO Spotfire 3.3.x patch TS_3.3.1.36 HF-006 is now available


Product: TIBCO Spotfire Version: 3.3.0, 3.3.1 OS: --------------------