TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) Service Performance Manager 1.3.3 Hotfix "TIB_amx_rp_020301_hotfix07" is now available.

TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) Service Performance Manager 1.3.3 Hotfix "TIB_amx_rp_020301_hotfix07" is now available.


Article ID: KB0103774


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Service Performance Manager -
Not Applicable -


You can download this HotFix from the TIBCO Product Support FTP server using your eSupport username and password, at

Once you have successfully logged into the server, you will find the hotfix packages under


* For Windows 32 bit OS please download the package named - "TIB_amx_rp_020301_007_win_x86.zip"
* For Windows 64 bit OS please download the package named - "TIB_amx_rp_020301_007_win64_x86.zip"

Listed below is a summary of updates included. Please refer to the associated readme document for any additional information.

Closed Issues in hotfix tib_amx_rp_020301_hotfix07 (This Release)

AMRP-3770:  Fixed node reconnect issue in cluster

AMSG-8756:  Added support for Custom HTTP Header Size in HTTP connector resource

AMRP-1646:  When SOAP Reference componet (SOAP over HTTP) fails to deliver message to partner service (if the partner service is down), Node displays socket exception, but AMX framework fails to transfer message back to system error queue

Closed Issues in hotfix tib_amx_rp_020301_hotfix06

AMRP-3584 :
        Namespace already declared - Deserialization Error when using SOAP/JMS Service.
Closed Issues in hotfix tib_amx_rp_020301_hotfix05

AMRP-3409 :
        Missing namespace on the wire format for RPC literal when using soap reference.
Closed Issues in hotfix tib_amx_rp_020301_hotfix04
AMRP-3272 :
       NT Service: Calling "wrapper --start" concurrently from two different
       processes to start an NT Service causes the second call to hang foreover.

           Fixed an issue in 60+ node environments where it would take 2.5 minutes for
           the admin UI to report that a node started when in fact it had started much

Closed Issues in hotfix tib_amx_rp_020301_hotfix03
           AMSG 2.x JDBC SharedResources gets installed and connected by default
           on all the Tibco ActiveMatrix nodes (participating under same
           cluster/environment) when one of the node has the mentioned shared
           resource defined.

           Starting a node registered as a NT service, Admin UI shows "start failed"

           An error is seen on certain grid server nodes when attempting to startup
           a SA. It was found that sometimes Subject validation is failing during
           inter-node communication.

           Management Daemon Gradually running Out of Memory

           Thread leak in AMX Adminstrator

AMRP-3086 (EMS-2383) :
           Node consumes 100 % CPU due to change in EMS client library.

Closed Issues in hotfix tib_amx_rp_020301_hotfix02
    Fixed a defect in which service grid node was crashing while undeploying the endpoint that was not
    registered with the Policy Manager during previous deployment attempt.

    Fixed a defect in which signature verification was failing due to XML canonicalization issue at XML
    security layer.
Closed Issues in hotfix tib_amx_rp_020301_hotfix01

    Problems accessing mutual authenticated SSL web service with TLS 1.0. Upgraded Entrust
    to latest version 7.2.102 with TLS implementation per RFC 5746 (SSL renegotiation) to fix it.



Install this hotfix on all host computers that run TIBCO ActiveMatrix Service Grid 2.3.1
instances. Install it in &lttibco_home> directories where TIBCO ActiveMatrix Service Grid 2.3.1
are installed.

All platforms:

1. Shut down all running TIBCO applications.

2. Install TAP 2.3.1 hotfix 2 (tib_amx_tap_020301_hotfix02).

3. Unzip the hotfix archive to a temporary location. For example,

4. Download the UniversalInstaller 2.5.0 V47 from the TIBCO Support FTP
    server ftp://support-ftp.tibco.com and copy it into the location where
    you extracted the hotfix.

5. Launch the TIBCOUniversalInstaller{.exe,bin} executable from this temporary
    directory and install the hotfix into the &lttibco_home> of your base product.

6. If Administrator server is installed in &lttibco_home>, upgrade it by running the following command:
    &lttibco_home>/tools/bin/flattener -files &lttibco_home>/amxadministrator/data/&ltclustername>/&ltadminname>/bin/&ltclustername>_&ltadminname>.tra

7. Upgrade TIBCO Management Daemon by running the MDCacheCleaner utility as follows:
    &lttibco_home>/tools/bin/tibcommander -f &lttibco_home>/managementdaemon/2.0/bin/MDCacheCleaner.xml
8. Ensure the ActiveMatrix database is running.

9. Upgrade the existing runtime nodes using the following command:
    &lttibco_home>/tools/bin/tibcommander -f &lttibco_home>/amx/2.3/server/bin/nodeupgrader.xml -Dnodes=&ltenvname>/&ltnodename>

10. Restart the TIBCO applications.



All platforms:

1. Shut down all running TIBCO applications.

2. Run the following command:

    &lttibco_home>/components/eclipse/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.6.5/bin/ant -DTIBCO_HOME=&lttibco_home> -f c:/tibco/amxhotfix/remove_amx_rp_020301_hotfix07.xml
    to remove the affected features and plugins mentioned under the affected files section
    and flatten the tra files updated by the hotfix installer. c:/tibco/amxhotfix is the folder
    where hotfix06 archive is unzipped.
3. Run the SyncInstallation utility in &lttibco_home>/amx/2.3/server/bin.

4. Upgrade the existing Administrator server clusters by running the following command:
    &lttibco_home>/tools/bin/flattener -files &lttibco_home>/amxadministrator/data/&ltclustername>/&ltadminname>/bin/&ltclustername>_&ltadminname>.tra
5. Run the MDCacheCleaner utility as follows:
    &lttibco_home>/tools/bin/tibcommander -f &lttibco_home>/managementdaemon/2.0/bin/MDCacheCleaner.xml

6. Ensure the ActiveMatrix database is running.

7. Upgrade the runtime nodes using the following command:
    &lttibco_home>/tools/bin/tibcommander -f &lttibco_home>/amx/2.3/server/bin/nodeupgrader.xml -Dnodes=&ltenvname>/&ltnodename>

8. Restart the TIBCO applications.

TIBCO Product Support

- For an overview of TIBCO Support Services, and information about getting
   started with TIBCO Product Support, visit this site:

- If you already have a valid maintenance or support contract, visit the TIBCO
   Product Support site: https://support.tibco.com. Entry to this site requires
   a username and password. If you do not have a username, you can request one.

- Check the TIBCO Product Support site "Late Breaking News" page for product
   information that was not available at release time.



TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) Service Performance Manager 1.3.3 Hotfix "TIB_amx_rp_020301_hotfix07" is now available.


Product: TIBCO ActiveMatrix Service Performance Manager Version: 1.3.3 OS: All --------------------