TIBCO iProcess Objects Server 11.1.3 HotFix 05 is available.

TIBCO iProcess Objects Server 11.1.3 HotFix 05 is available.


Article ID: KB0103809


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO iProcess Objects Server -
Not Applicable -


Product Name    : TIBCO iProcess(R) Objects Server
Release Version : 11.1.3-hotfix05
Release Date     : February 2012


This hotfix corrects the issue listed in the Closed Issues section.

This hotfix applies to TIBCO iProcess Objects Server version 11.1.3 running
on the following platforms:

   - Sun SPARC

Note: TIBCO iProcess Objects Server must be installed with
       TIBCO iProcess Engine or higher versions.


Closed Issues in 11.1.3-Hotfix05

Defect Id: IPE-2835

  A configuration flag has been added in the configuration file to specify
  whether or not TIBCO iProcess Objects Server caches the EAI step definition.

  The configuration flag CacheProcEAIStep is defined in the following
  configuration file:

  - $SWDIR/seo/data/swentobjsv.cfg

  To cache the EAI step definition, set CacheProcEAIStep to 1.

  When setting CacheProcEAIStep to 0, or when CacheProcEAIStep is not
  included in the swentobjsv.cfg configuration file, the EAI step definition
  cannot be cached.

  When setting CacheProcEAIStep to 0, the following methods return empty

  - For TIBCO iProcess Server Objects clients: sProcManager.getExternalForm
                                        and xProcManager.getExternalForm
  - For TIBCO iProcess Objects Server clients: SWStep.getExtForm


NOTE: See attached Readme document for installation instructions.


The TIBCO iProcess Objects Server 11.1.3 HotFix 05 can be downloaded from our support-ftp.tibco.com. You will be able to download by clicking on the link below after you provide your TIBCO Support Web username and password in the url:


Directory path:



TIBCO iProcess Objects Server 11.1.3 HotFix 05 is available.


Product: TIBCO iProcess Objects Server Version: 11.1.3 OS: --------------------


TIBCO iProcess Objects Server 11.1.3 HotFix 05 is available. get_app