BX-2087 A service task whose type is Database fails with a "ORA-1000 : maximum open cursors exceeded" error. This is because every time the service task is called, it opens a cursor and never releases it.
BX-2093 Process instance migration failed with a null pointer exception if tibcohost was restarted during the migration.
FORM-5006 If a pane is set as invisible, validations are still run on controls that are nested within any child panes, unless those child panes are also explicitly marked as invisible. This leads to validation errors being incorrectly shown on the form.
FORM-4870 The localized short month name is not used in the title of the date picker and the localized AM/PM is not used for time formats.
PVM-310 If you delete a process from the engine, it is possible for the process to delete a sub-process that is still being worked on. This is caused by a race condition with sub-process completion.
PVM-307 If the serialization of a process definition fails, this causes the process instance to fail. The engine should catch the error and log the appropriate warning.
PVM-316 A null pointer exception occurred when querying for an undeployed process definition.
WRM-3102 If a process instance was cancelled, workitems were deleted from the client view but not from the database.
The TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) BPM 1.2.0 Hotfix 05 can be downloaded from our support-ftp.tibco.com. You will be able to download by clicking on the link below after you provide your TIBCO Support Web username and password in the url: