TIBCO Business Studio BPM Edition 3.5.3 HotFix 01 is available.
Article ID: KB0103971
Updated On:
TIBCO Business Studio - BPM Edition
Not Applicable
Description: Product Name : TIBCO Business Studio(TM) Release Version : 3.5.3_HF-001 Release Date : April 2012 ======================================================================
Hotfixes are cumulative. This is the first hotfix for TIBCO Business Studio 3.5.3. It includes the issues listed in the Closed Issues section.
XPD-3057 DAA generation from the command line failed with the message: 'ERROR: Problems with artifacts preparation' when BOMs are used to generate WSDLs.
XPD-3139 The dependency change event is not getting fired for changes in TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Service Engine (BWSE) managed resource for the CompositeWorkingCopy.
XPD-3217 Deployment of TIBCO Business Studio ActiveMatrix Decisions Add-in DAA fails with the error "Cannot find feature with id 'com.tibco.adec.dt.product.feature' in range '[1.0.0,2.0.0)' in the Administrator staging area.
The TIBCO Business Studio BPM Edition 3.5.3 HotFix 01 can be downloaded from our support-ftp.tibco.com. You will be able to download by clicking on the link below after you provide your TIBCO Support Web username and password in the url: