TIBCO iProcess Workspace (Browser) 11.4.0 HotFix 02 is available.
Article ID: KB0104177
Updated On:
TIBCO iProcess Workspace (Browser)
Not Applicable
Description: Product Name : TIBCO iProcess Workspace (Browser) Release Version : 11.4.0_HF-002 Release Date : August 2012 ========================================================
Defect Id: FORM-5326 The spacing between controls in a vertical pane on forms in TIBCO iProcess Workspace (Browser) version 11.4.0 has increased from previous versions.
Closed Issues for 11.4.0_HF-001
Defect Id: FORM-5318 Forms are not displaying properly in version 11.4.0 of TIBCO iProcess Workspace (Browser).
The TIBCO iProcess Workspace (Browser) 11.4.0 HotFix 02 can be downloaded from our support-ftp.tibco.com. You will be able to download by clicking on the link below after you provide your TIBCO Support Web username and password in the url: