TIBCO Adapter(TM) SDK 5.7.0 Hot Fix 1 is now available
Article ID: KB0103932
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Not Applicable
Description: TIBCO Adapter(TM) SDK 5.7.0 Hot Fix 1 is released for the all the platforms supported by TIBCO Adapter(TM) SDK 5.7.0. This hot fix is cumulative of prior hot fixes for this version. Listed below is a summary of updates included in Hot fix 1. Please refer to the attached Readme for additional details on these and other cumulative fixes included in this Hot fix.
====================================================================== Closed Issues in SDK 5.7.0-hot fix 1 (This release)
ASDK-1002 When using JNDI and the JMS connection factory configured using SSL-identity, TIBCO Adapter SDK did not allow you to specify the factory SSL-identity password.
To specify the JMS factory SSL-identity password, perform the following steps: 1. Check the "Use SSL" check box in the JMS session panel. 2. Add the tibco.jmsFactorySSLPassword property to the adapter .tra file. This property specifies a list of name-value pairs, which are separated by a vertical bar (|). In the name-value pairs, each session name and its ssl-identity password are enclosed in angle brackets (<>).
This hot fix can be downloaded from the TIBCO Product Support ftp server, ftp://support-ftp.tibco.com/, using your username and password for the TIBCO Support Web. Once logged on you can find the hot fix under: available_downloads/ActiveEnterprise/Adapter-SDK/5.7.0/hotfix-01/.
Please contact TIBCO Support if you have any problems finding or downloading this hot fix.
TIBCO Adapter(TM) SDK 5.7.0 Hot Fix 1 is now available