Article ID: KB0104093
Updated On:
TIBCO tibbr(TM) 3.6.1 hotfix 2 has been released.
You can download this Hot Fix from the TIBCO Product Support FTP server using your eSupport username and password, at
Once you have successfully logged into the server, you will find the hotfix packages under
Listed below is a summary of updates included. Please refer to the associated readme document for any additional information.
3.6.1 HF-002 (This Release)
TIBR-9353: The number on the notification icon to the left of the Search field
at the top did not work.
TIBR-9924: You were unable to specify a target SharePoint folder to upload
a file to SharePoint when posting on tibbr. The loading icon kept spinning.
TIBR-10250: When configured to authenticate with SharePoint in single sign-on
(SSO) mode, tibbr impersonated the login name as tibbradmin instead of that
for user who was logged in to tibbr.
TIBR-10618: You were unable to download attachments of file types not known
to tibbr, such as those with .msg and .pkg extensions.
TIBR-10708: While you were specifying a file from SharePoint as an attachment
to a post, tibbr listed only one item for selection even though multiple files
and folders existed in SharePoint.
TIBR-10709: While associating a SharePoint folder with a subject on the Create
Subject page, tibbr listed only the main site but not the other sites or
folders in the Select Folder wizard.
TIBR-10710: While using the MS SQL Server database, tibbr sent hourly and
daily digest email in text instead of in HTML.
TIBR-10711: We have improved the performance of tibbr through more effective
use of the cache.
TIBR-10769: Occasionally, tibbr did not display notifications on the iPhone
and iPad mobile devices.
TIBR-10813: The process for generating analytics on subject pages took a
long time. Add a capability for disabling analytics.
TIBR-10902: If your tibbr instance is on the Oracle database, sometimes
the "Maximum number of expressions in a list" exception was thrown while tibbr
is loading its home page.
TIBR-11122: On Internet Explorer, JavaScript did not work on subject pages.
TIBCO tibbr(TM) 3.6.1 hotfix 2 has been released.
Product: tibbr
Version: 3.6.1