GS-11508 The ManagerAdmin.getBuildVersion() API call returned the wrong value if a Service Pack had been applied.
GS-11584 Calling AdminManager.ManagerAdmin.GetCategory() on a category that did not exist on a Manager threw an exception. It now returns an empty object as it did in versions prior to 6.0.
Communication and Network
GS-11542 Under rare circumstances, a Manager would unnecessarily retry on message sends to a Daemon.
GS-11526 The Daemon version is now reported in the Daemon log at startup.
Stability,Fault Tolerance
GS-11548 When using Kerberos for Driver authentication, if the Driver's username had capital letters in Active Directory, LDAP User information was not cached, resulting in poor Driver performance.
Upgrade and Migration
GS-11443 Improvements were made to the Engine JRE synchronization process. These changes are meant to facilitate upgrades from grids which use older JREs that are no longer supported.
GS-11589 Unix Engines always synchronized their JRE from the Director from which it was originally installed, even when moved to another grid. It now synchronizes to