WS-1208 Mapping resources whose LDAP ID contains an OU name including the "&" character led to an XML parsing error from the action processor.
WS-1202 TIBCO Workspace now supports Google Chrome Frame plug-in version 21.0 or later on Internet Explorer.
WS-1201 In event lists in TIBCO Workspace, BX_INSTANCE_SUBPROCESS_CREATED events do not correctly contain the child elements of the subprocess.
Note that this fix does not prevent the same issue appearing in the WCC artefacts delivered in TIBCO Business Studio.
BX-2620 If process queries were used with the "OR" operator and custom attributes they could return an incorrect or duplicate result set.
BX-2617 An error BX-600024 "Operation [{operation}] with partner link [{partnerLink}] not found" is generated when deploying a new instance of an upgraded application.
BX-2616 Under some circumstances Process Manager does not continue a process which was waiting for an external event (such as a user task, signal, or timer).
FORM-5778 The sorting implementation for a grid pane had the following issues:
- After updating the value on a cell in the currently sorted column, that column would continue to show the sorted values based on old values until another column header was clicked.
- After sorting, selection of a record changed the selected page.
FORM-5762 The resource bundles for forms were reloaded each time the same form was reloaded. They are now cached to improve performance by saving reloading time.
The TIBCO ActiveMatrix(R) BPM 1.3.1 Hotfix 06 can be downloaded from our You will be able to download by clicking on the link below after you provide your TIBCO Support Web username and password in the url: