TIBCO ActiveSpaces 2.0.2 hotfix-03 is now available.
Article ID: KB0104189
Updated On:
TIBCO ActiveSpaces
Not Applicable
Description: The hotfix can be downloaded from the TIBCO Support ftp server, support-ftp.tibco.com. Please use your eSupport username and password to access the server. After connecting, go to /available_downloads/ActiveSpaces/2.0.2/hotfix-03/ to download the hotfix. This .tar file also has the Readme file inside. Please untar the file and look for the Readme file for Instruction on how to apply the hotfix.
Please note that with the 2.0.2 hotfix-03 release, the default setting for the as-admin Admin CLI command for defining fields with the define | create space command or altering a space with the alter space command is "not nullable." Previously, the default value was nullable. The default setting for defining or altering fields using ActiveSpaces API calls remains "not nullable."
The defects fixed in TIBCO ActiveSpaces 2.0.2 Hotfix 03 are:
Closed Issues in 2.0.2_HF-003 (This Release)
AS-2037 The as-admin utility crashed when disconnecting from a metaspace.
AS-2061 Using the Datetime field as a key caused an issue in distribution.
AS-2089 The as-admin utility crashed when all other nodes were killed one at a time.
AS-2111 When running BW as a seeder, BW would become a leech intermittently. Upon losing the seeder, the space changed to the RECOVER state if there were not enough seeders as defined in the SpaceDef for the space.
AS-2115 [SN+TX] With shared-nothing persistence enabled, if the client was killed right after a commit was called, the committed entries were present in the space but not in the shared-nothing persistence data store file.
AS-2119 Takes performed during redistribution retured NULL for an existing entry.
AS-2121 Gets performed during redistribution returned NULL for an existing entry
AS-2125 With replication enabled, more entries were being evicted from a space than indicated by the capacity setting for the space.
AS-2128 High CPU usage was observed on nodes processing get operation.
AS-2143 Throttling of operations for shared-nothing persistence should be improved. This issue has been resolved.
AS-2144 Improve usage of shared-nothing persistence files. This has been resolved.
TIBCO ActiveSpaces 2.0.2 hotfix-03 is now available.