TIBCO Collaborative Information Manager 8.2.1 Hotfix 16 is now available.

TIBCO Collaborative Information Manager 8.2.1 Hotfix 16 is now available.


Article ID: KB0104407


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TIBCO Collaborative Information Manager -
Not Applicable -


The hotfix can be downloaded from the TIBCO Support ftp server, support-ftp.tibco.com. Please use your eSupport username and password to access the server. After connecting, go to available_downloads/CollaborativeInformationManager/8.2.1/hotfix-16/  to download the hotfix.  This .tar file also has the Readme file inside. Please untar the file and look for the Readme file for Instruction on how to apply the hotfix.

The defects fixed in CIM 8.2.1 Hotfix 16 are:

Duplicate PRODUCTKEYs were created during import on SQL Server database when PRODUCTIDEXT was null and the record already existed. This issue is fixed for non-DBLoader import.

The parent repositories were not enabled for the future effective date support; however, their relationship was marked with a future effective date. In this case, if only the parent record was modified with import, the reverse relationship was not displayed on the UI as well as using the Record Add/Modify web service.


While modifying the records on the Mass Update screen, when a value was selected from the drop-down list, an exception was thrown.


A web service request to close all OPEN work items failed on SQL Server with a syntax error when used with the following key:
&ltns:Key name="User" type="string"&gtALL</ns:Key>


An error message was displayed while validating a record using the Record Validate web service. The validation failed when the ‘Modify’ command qualifier was used in certain situations.


If the Inbox page contained a huge number of work items, the performance of the Inbox UI slowed down. This issue has been fixed by tuning the query based on user sticky configuration setting.


Netrics was configured in the Fault Tolerant mode. When the primary Netrics server was re-started and re-indexed, finding the records with Text Search functionality was not possible on the UI. The "No Records Found" error message was displayed.


During the document migration from 7.2.1 to 8.2.1 release, if the Oracle service name was passed as a value instead of Oracle SID for the "com.tibco.database.name" property in the documentmigrationconfig.properties file, the Oracle connection was not established. To fix this issue, specify "com.tibco.database.connection.type = SERVICE_NAME" in the documentmigrationconfig.properties file.


If a record was modified and work items were created for multiple users with the same role, closing one of the Timed Out work items did not close work items of other users.


Performance improvement was required for importing records using Database Loader without the Fresh Data option.


If the data source contained multiple entries of a single record, only a single version of a record was created and other entries were ignored. There was no other way to import multiple versions of a record in the Database Loader operation.

To resolve this issue, perform the following actions:

1. Add the Duplicate Row Check property in Configurator (Tools > Add Configuration Value). Enter the following details in each field:
- Configuration value name: Duplicate Row Check
- Internal name: com.tibco.cim.dbloader.duplicaterowcheck
- Version: 8.2
- Visibility: Advanced
- Description: This property imports duplicate records and creates multiple
   versions of a record.
- Current Value: False
- Default Value: True
- Category: Miscellaneous

2. In addition, if you want to display records in the chronological order,
   specify "order by" on the columns of the datasource.
  a) Create an "inputmap" sub-directory under the &ltenterprise_name> directory
     in $MQ_COMMON_DIR.
  b) Create a file with the name &ltCATALOGINPUTMAPNAME>.order. For example,
     For single repository:
     b1) Create a file with the name &ltCATALOGINPUTMAPNAME>.order. For example,
     For multiple repositories:
     b2) Create files with the name &ltPARENTINPUTMAPNAME>.order and
         &ltCHILDINPUTMAPNAME>.order. For example, IMPARENT.order and IMCHILD.order
  c) Open the file and write the "order by" clause. Follow these rules:
     i) The Column name should be the DBColumnname.
    ii) While adding multiple columns, use a comma as the separator. For example,
   iii) Follow the database semantics while modifying the "order by" clause. For
        example, to_number(CUPDATE_TS_decimal)
    iv) By default, the records are sorted in an ascending order. To sort records in
        the descending order, suffix the database semantics with 'DESC'. For example,
Notes: a) Ensure that all columns used in the "order by" clause are mapped and the
      data is populated.
       b) This solution is not supported for multi-value attributes and the Fresh
          Data option.


When several concurrent users were logged into TIBCO MDM in different browser sessions and selected a repository on the Browse and Search screen, the search template displayed was different from the selected repository.


When the Record query web service was executed, the records were retrieved from the database, but were not loaded in the cache.


The Record Query web service did not return the expected results when the 'lk' operator was used with the Integer data type attribute. The LIKE operator was supported only for the String data type attributes.


The two repositories were related to each other with the relationship attribute defined as an EFFECTIVEDATE. The effective date of a parent record was modified to the future effective date. Later, when the current active version of the record (Version 1) was searched and modified; the Stale data error was displayed.


The NullPointer exception was thrown when multiple requests of the Record Modify web service were sent concurrently. As a result of this exception, the index did not get updated for these records. This exception occurred only when the  com.tibco.cim.search.UseOnlineSyncIndexing property was set to 'true' in Configurator.


The DataService 2.0 common.xsd schema did not contain the 'eq' operator in the list of values available in the OperatorType enumerated variable. To fix this issue, copy the updated common.xsd file from  $MQ_HOME/customEAR/FFCompatible/schema/DataService/2.0 to $MQ_HOME/schema/DataService/2.0.


When synchronization was performed by applying the transformation rulebase, the Synchronization event failed with the following error message: "CAT-1030: Repository or output map with name or ID &ltName> does not exist; may have been already deleted by another user."


If the record ID contained multiple consecutive spaces and the record was viewed using the View All button or from the Record View page, the record ID was displayed with only a single space. However, on modifying the record, the record ID was correctly displayed with multiple spaces.


TIBCO Collaborative Information Manager 8.2.1 Hotfix 16 is now available.


Product: TIBCO Collaborative Information Manager Version: 8.2.1 OS: All --------------------