Article ID: KB0104779
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The hotfix can be downloaded from the TIBCO Support ftp server, Please use your eSupport username and password to access the server. After connecting, go to /available_downloads/ActiveSpaces/2.1.2/hotfix-02/ to download the hotfix.
This .zip file also has the Readme file inside. Please unzip the file and look for the Readme file for Instruction on how to apply the hotfix.
Closed Issues in 2.1.2_HF-002 (This Release)
AS-2264 The API method Space.waitForReady does not work properly; the value does not
take effect.
AS-2279 Query performance of the BETWEEN filter. Query performance of a BETWEEN query varies
even if there is an index on the queried field.
AS-2300 Negative values cannot be queried using a range.
AS-2311 The CURRENT Timescope does not work with remote clients.
AS-2318 Drop takes time even though there isn't any redistribution needed.
AS-2321 Operations that should time out due to a "space_not_ready" condition hang forever.
AS-2327 Filter expressions and tokens were case sensitive (for example, like, between, not,
abs, is, null, nor, nand, and, or). Users can now use different character
combinations, such as "LIKE" or "BetWeen" in queries.
AS-2328 Add support for using upper/lower methods to manage string input in queries, For
example, upper(name) = "TIBCO".
Note: Using this method, an index on the fields cannot be used, as indexes are
created case sensitive.
AS-2330 In ASMM, the startupMetaspaces property specified in the asmm/ file
was unable to parse the discovery URL properly when it specified multiple nodes
delimited by a semicolon.
AS-2332 Tuple expiration/eviction is affecting performance of other operations (puts,
gets, and so on).
AS-2333 In ASMM, metaspace connections that were established during startup using the
startupMetaspace property, are no longer reconnected when a different or empty
discovery or listen URL is specified with the same metaspace name. Reconnecting an
established startup metaspace connection created operational impacts on existing
connected browser clients.
AS-2336 In ASMM, the statistics summary table of all spaces for a metaspace was
intermittently showing zero entry counts when there were large number of spaces
or joined members.
AS-2337 In ASMM, a space browser query with a large number of resulting entries was causing
excessive memory usage. A new property "browserDefaultTimeScope" is introduced
defaulting to CURRENT to reduce the memory usage.
AS-2339 BETWEEN queries should be inclusive for the specified range values. This issue
has been fixed. The BETWEEN Filter is now inclusive (includes the values specified
for the upper and lower ranges of the query), and the BETWEEN query includes
the values specified for the upper and lower ranges of the query.
AS-2341 Browse methods do not throw invalid filter exception when given filter is wrong.
TIBCO ActiveSpaces 2.1.2 hotfix-02 is now available.
Product: TIBCO ActiveSpaces
Version: 2.1.2